José Gil Perafan ~ Pink Bourbon from Huila, Colombia

SKU: PERAFAN Category:



This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

Producer: José Gil Perafan
Where: Huila, Colombia
Variety: Pink Bourbon
Processing: Washed Process
Harvest: January 2024
Tasting notes: riesling, chamomile, jammy

Pink Bourbon variety picked and processed by José Gil Perafan on his farm in Bruselas, Huila. First fermented as whole fruit in sealed bags before being depulped and fermented in oxygen-free sealed barrels.

This is the first year José’s 1000 Pink Bourbon trees have produced enough harvest to be sold as a separate lot. We shared most of this lot with our subscribers for the June subscription, and are making the very last bit of it available here.


José Gil is a member of Guacharos. He farms in the township of El Mesón, on a farm that he inherited from his parents. He has around 6,500 caturra trees, with about 1,000 pink bourbon- and a handful of castillo trees as well.

This lot is from Jose Gil’s pink bourbon plot, which somewhat recently started producing enough coffee to sell- his pink bourbon trees are about 5 years old. José Gil picks ripe cherries, and leaves them for an initial fermentation period (we call this a “cherry ferment”) inside of sealed Grain Pro bags, in a low-oxygen environment. From there, he de-pulps the coffee, and puts the de-pulped seeds into sealed plastic barrels with a one-way valve for off-gassing. When the coffee has finished fermenting, he washes it once, and dries the coffee on site. He stores the parchment in plastic bags at home to ensure that humidity is stable at around 10.5%.

Everyone from the Guacharos group (including José Gil) are slowly moving towards fully ecological and regenerative agricultural production, close to biodynamics. For example, many members of the group produce a brew (called Super Magro) made up of organic minerals and waste products, molasses, bone ash and manure, all fermented with microorganisms collected from virgin soils and used as a fertilizer and protectant from disease. The Super Magro is edible, effective, and represents a producer-driven grassroots movement empowering producers to increase soil health, reduce costs and stop dependence on chemicals.

Many thanks to Shared Source for continually supporting the efforts of Los Guacharos including sharing these delightful lots with us!