Orange Crunch – San Juan de Pueblo Libre, Junín, Peru

SKU: CRUNCH Category:



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A dead ringer for praline with orange zest, this Bourbon and Typica lot is grown by Walter Rodriguez Huamani, Amancio Ñahui Vargas, & Nilo Medina Simon  – three producers in the San Juan de Pueblo Libre community committed to incredible picking and processing in Satipo province as part of Pangoa cooperative in central Peru.

Quick Details

Producers: Nilo Medina Simon, Walter Rodriguez Huamani, & Amancio Ñahui Vargas
Community: San Juan de Pueblo Libre
Origin: Junín, Peru
Varieties: Bourbon & Typica
Processing: Washed
Tasting notes: pecan, black tea, & satsuma
Importer: Red Fox
Harvest: August 2020