Sign up for April – shipping Apr. 11th
(cutoff for new sign-ups is April 11th)

Two exciting, bright coffees sourced from talented growers every month.

This subscription program is what we do best – care packages delivered to your home with a fun, coffee focused zine on the 2nd week of the month.
Shipping included 🍊

Next release - Sign up for April (cutoff is April 11th)

begins shipping April 11th

check back April 1st to see what's in this month!

Previous Month - March

began shipping March 10th

we continue to explore coffees from Santa Bárbara, Honduras with a small variation on last month, featuring Hildaly's partner Grevil Sabillon's Parainema with it's sweet herbal cola vibes & a different Pacas lot from José Angel's second farm Cielito, tasting like sweet pear and praline
In Season Coffees
  • This tropical fruit seed is alive when we receive them at our roastery. Then the clock starts. Those seeds have a shelf life. The seasonally driven sourcing program we’ve become known for drives the bright, lively style of coffee you’ll brew as a subscriber.
Variety & Process Deep dives
  • We print a little zine to go alongside the coffees each month as your guide. Want to know how Parainema tastes and how this cultivar was born? How does coffee from Kenya taste so damn good? We’re your fellow nerds and we’ve got your back.
Other Neat Bits
  • Things can hitch a ride in your sub box (If you need V60 filters for example)
  • Folks can join from Canada or the USA
  • Sometimes there’s a coffee that only subscribers will get